The Disc Golf Streak, Day 2632 (Gulley)

Day 2632

We had as a goal to get the streak as long as Cal Ripken's consecutive games played streak (2,632 games in a row).  So today we made it to that!

He has regular school everyday now and doesn't get home until mid afternoon so with the short days we decided to go to Gulley.  Nice day, 60 degrees for the high . . . was kinda cold while we threw but still warm enough to enjoy.  Played dubs just like in the old days, think we shot 8-down together, had a bunch of really good ace runs and he skipped off the top of the basket on Hole 9 (gave him $1 for hitting metal).  He also almost aced 7 and I made close runs at 6 and 17. 

Funny story . . . so a few holes behind us were a couple guys playing a round and the one guy was either the worst disc golfer in the world or the best cusser in the world (or maybe both) because every throw sounded bad and involved multiple cuss words.  It got to be funny as he kept cussing like clockwork and we were joking about how this was a perfect example of a disc golf round soundtrack.  Anyway, we're driving home and hit traffic and I said something about General Custer's Last Stand and he says "Oh, General Custer!  I thought you were talking about the guy back at Gulley -- general cusser."


