The Disc Golf Streak, Day 516 (Lincoln Ridge)

Facebook diary entry. Day 516 of the streak.

50+ and sunny in January? We went down and played some frisbee golf at Banklick, err . . . I mean disc golf at Lincoln Ridge. First time there for Danny (his 28th course) and I hadn't been there for 20 or 25 years (I think).

Other than the beginning and ending holes it didn't look too familiar to me. Fun course though, really enjoyed all the tight lines. We played dubs and managed -1 . . . not too bad since we didn't even know where the basket was 3 or 4 times.

Highlights for the day were playing through a group on 5 and having Danny just pure the shot down the fairway in front of a big group of guys. And then him sailing it right over the basket on hole #7 on a nice ace run.

Love the course, already looking forward to taking him again sometime. This was the last of the local courses that I had on our wishlist for him. (Still a couple other decent ones to visit though.)
