The Disc Golf Streak, Day 2595 (Batavia Sports Complex)

Day 2595

Fall has arrived and it was very cool and windy today.  We had some free time so we headed out to a new course -- Batavia Sports Complex.

I believe this was designed by Donny Conrad and installed by him with assistance of the Clermont County Disc Golf Club.  (Pretty sure but could be mistaken.)  Hasn't officially opened yet (no tee signs) but pads, baskets and some "next tee" arrows are installed and lots of throwers were out playing it today.

Anyway, it is a short beginner level course -- most of the holes are 150-175'.  And considering that it throws very nicely.  It reminds me of Winton Woods before some many of the trees (ash) were culled.  Nothing here that is difficult to birdie but enough trees that is is difficult to get them all.  The scenery with the trees kind of reminded me of a scale version of Millikin.

First time through with a chilly wind I got nine birdies and one bogey.  Definitely a course I'd expect to shoot double digits down more often than not.  But there are enough trees in the way to make it a bit challenging.

Teepads are nicely done, baskets are good, the layout throws well for what it is supposed to be (simple beginner course).  Extra bonus for installing "next tee" markers under the baskets for navigation -- those were a big help.

Only knock is a lot of the pads and baskets are very close together and lots of walking paths go along and through the course so it is not a safe course -- players and walkers will almost certainly end up being hit by misfires and ricochets.  Not unreasonably unsafe, but one of the less safe courses in the area.

I doubt we'll throw this very often since it is so short and doesn't present a lot of opportunity to throw different shots, but it is a nice beginner course alternative.

After our round we stopped out at Chains on Main just to support the cause.
