The Disc Golf Streak, Day 2018 (Woodland Mound, Danny finally beats me)

Day 2018

Nice weather, 50-ish degrees, figured we'd get out and throw before the snow arrives again tomorrow.  Headed out to Woodland to throw a round.

Today was the day he finally beat me.  We don't play lots of head-to-head competitive rounds since usually we're just throwing for fun/practice, but in 2000+ days of throwing we've obviously played hundreds of rounds scored against each other.   And it's not surprising that he hasn't beat me as I am rated about 80 points higher than him so I should beat him by 8 strokes/round on a normal day on a normal course.

But today was his day and he beat me 51 to 48.  I threw pretty well but didn't score great . . . he threw pretty well and beat me fair and square.  I'd be satisfied with a 6-under at Woodland (I never score great there for as "easy" as it is) so it doesn't really bother me losing to his 48.  He didn't leave me chance to catch back up as he just kept putting it near the basket on the last half dozen holes.

We sat in the sun overlooking the river and enjoyed the weather after the round and then went back and picked and chose a few holes and threw another seven holes before heading home.  He was happy to have finally won and frankly he was a good sport about it so it was a good day.

Then we went home and played a game of basketball.  I had no mercy on him and beat him 21-2 in an attempt to restore order to the universe.  😀
