The Disc Golf Streak, Day 1396 (Turkey Ridge -- Terwilleger Grudge Match)

Day 1396

Invited Josh & Cheryl over to try out the new teepads and course layout today (7 hole, Rabbit Loop) . . . beautiful day . . . until 10 minutes before they arrived when it started pouring down.  But it cleared up and was a pretty nice day.

We played one round of casual singles so they could get to know the new layout -- Meg threw with us too.

Then the gloves were off and battle ensued.  Runk v Terwilleger.  Grudge match II.  We had won last at Cedar Grove on 6/6 thereby securing the mini trophy.  Could we repeat again?

Things went our way quickly on Holes 1 & 2 as I sunk tough 45' & 35' birdie putts to give us a quick two stroke lead.  Josh turned it around by sailing out a long drive on Hole 3 with his flippy girl discs and making the 35' putt to take a stroke back.  On the tunnel Hole 4 Josh put them close, Danny threw a good drive to get us a good putt and I nearly aced.  We pushed.  Hole 5 Josh nearly aced the 330' slightly downhill hole before I threw my best drive ever and put us within 15'.  We push again.  We arrived at the dreaded Hole 6 -- a 350' Par 4 wooded tunnel hole in which you must face King Kong and the Hand of Doom.  (King Kong = a huge 5' diameter oak tree & Hand of Doom = tree laying on the ground that looks like a hand with fingers that tries to knock down approach shots).  After two shots we appeared to have the upper hand but then Cheryl nearly threw it in and we went long . . . and had to make a kneeling putt to push another hole.  Stepping onto the Hole 7 tee only one stroke separated the combatants.  Hole 7 -- an island hole - -175' uphill with a roughly 30' green to hit.  Who would prevail?  Cheryl threw but didn't quite have the distance to make it.  Josh stepped up -- he had the distance -- but too much hyzer and sailed OB left.  I then landed a Comet safely on the island to secure the win and crush the hopes and dreams of the Terwillegers again.   Will they be able to sleep at night?  Doubtful, but Danny & I will sleep like babes in the warm bosom of our challenge trophy.

Cheryl nearly throwing it in on Hole 6 -- the basket is somewhere up there, trust me.

Some pics of teepads:

Hole 6 platform tee . . .

Hole 2 flat teepad . . . 

Hole 4 teepad:

Hole 3 teepad:

This is the island green Hole 7 . . .
