The Disc Golf Streak, Day 1272 (Idlewild dubs)

Day 1272.

Had a Sunday with no other plans and good weather for February . . . so we decided it was perfect for Idlewild.  Doubles, of course, because it's a lot more fun and a lot less frustrating throwing dubs.

Started at 40 degrees, got up to 45-50, just a little wind here and there but not too bad.

It was fun throwing it in the winter and being able to see the layout of the entire course better . . . very scenic hills . . . not crowded at all today . . .

We threw really well.  Lots of "best ever" type shots to look back on and very few poor shots really.  No miracle shots today and only one "tough" putt we made -- but also didn't miss anything easy.  Playing the Idlewild Open layout (and OB) we shot a 71 together.  Last time we tried Idlewild together as a dubs team (about 18 months ago) we shot a 77, so improvement is still happening.  The 71 was 978 rated golf at the Idlewild Open so we are doing pretty well on working toward our 2020 goal of becoming a 1000-rated doubles team.  Both of us are having a lot more fun playing dubs.

This picture was pretty darn good -- Hole 12 I think on the layout -- he throws a great drive to the end of the initial tunnel (a shot most pros wouldn't be too upset about) and frees me up to throw my best drive ever on that hole (yellow disc beyond him in the distance).

Couple other pics:

Nice day, good times, glad we made the pilgrimage again to Idlewild. 😀
