The Disc Golf Streak, Day 1110 (Summer Sizzler @ Monroe)

Day 1110.

We were both signed up to play the Sizzler at Monroe, but Danny was very sick yesterday (threw up four times) so I ended up going by myself.  He did throw yesterday and today and was feeling pretty good today, but he still needed some time to recover.

I had signed up in Advanced (in case he needed to move up so we could play together) but since he wasn't with me I went ahead and moved up to MP40.

Beautiful day for disc golf, nice and cool and sunny -- nothing sizzling about the Sizzler this year.  I was carded with Sam Hartleroad and Joe Day and had a great time throwing with them.  Today I learned why so many older players prefer the age protected divisions . . . it was a good combination of competitive and relaxed.

I started off hitting a 60' putt for birdie . . . but the first 14 holes overall were somewhat rough and I was at +2 after Hole 18 . . . and then managed to go -7 the rest of the way to end the day at 5-under (76) on the 27 holes.  Initial round rating was 944.

Ended up finishing 2nd to Billy Ray Osborn by two strokes.  Was pleasantly surprised to cash . . .

It was a good day . . . and since Danny was on the mend and this was only a one round tournament we threw at home later in the afternoon . . . after enjoying the Speedy Freezes I brought home to celebrate. 😀
