The Disc Golf Streak, Day 840 (Nati Putting League, Week 4 for us)

Day 840.

So we've been going to the Nati putting league on Tuesday nights at the Urban Artifact. Been having a lot of fun and Danny is able to hold his own with the adults.  The first week he outscored me on ladder putting rounds, I beat him in weeks 2 and 3.  And I putted well (for me) all weeks.

So we're sitting there an hour before it's time to go and he starts the trash talk.

Him: "I'm going to beat you tonight."
Me: "Oh, really? I thought you wanted to go to putting league. What did you want to do instead?"

Him: "I'm going to make you cry like a five month old baby" <Waaah waaaah>
Me: "Oh, so I'll be like you every time you miss a 5' putt?"

And on and on . . . we don't normally trash talk a lot, but sometimes . . .

So, we go to putting league and he beats me by putting up rounds of 50 + 38 = 88 versus my 42 + 40 = 82.  Not sure where we ranked, I think his 50 was tied for 3rd in the first round.

Bought some Pro-D Banger GTs from Dave Cox and I finished second in a ladder knockout to Bill Randolph and Danny fared pretty well in the second ladder knockout round (4th or 5th I think). Danny & Tony Vincent were having a lot of fun running around throwing minis at a mini basket.

Anyway, another fun night of putting league and yes, he did beat me as he said he would.

Not from putting league, but a recent putting picture from this weekend.  Yes, putting in the dusk . . .
