The Disc Golf Streak, Day 746 (Summer Sizzler @ Monroe)

Day 741.  We played the Summer Sizzler @ Monroe

Danny and I threw in the Summer Sizzler today put on by Dan Bayless and Disc N Dat.  He played in juniors (by himself, he's not ready for rec yet) and I played in intermediate (19 in my division).   I think we had 92 players there today.

This was a different event in that it was only one round (honestly the only reason we played, we love one round events) and it was 27 holes (24 regular and 3 temp holes).  Let me reiterate -- we love one round events and being able to play in tournaments and be home by early afternoon to do things with the family.

So we headed to Monroe.  We've played it twice before, once casual and once in Blakely's weekly league.  He (playing them as Par 4) played 2-down at the league and got a 684 rating and I threw (as Par 3) a +1.  So since he was alone in his division his main goal (other than not getting hurt and not losing discs, always our top two goals LOL) was just to throw a 700+ rated round and my goal was to throw par.

Danny played with Joe Javins and Danny Umberger and I played with Brad Howard, Joe Mihalek and Thomas Anderson.  I had a great time with my card as they were all good guys, good players and kept things relaxed and fun even when we each took our turns struggling.

It started off nice and cool . . . but by the last six holes we all agreed that it was earning the "Sizzler" name.  And did I mention, I'm really glad we were only playing one round and didn't have to go back out and throw another round in the hot afternoon sun (was hitting 87 today)?

I ended up throwing a 3-under (78) and quite frankly shocked myself by winning the intermediate division by 2 strokes (first time I've ever won any division).  Danny shot a 102 . . . so in the end we both improved by four strokes since we threw at Blakely's league . . . so that was really good improvement for us.  I think his round should be 720+ rated. (Edit: his rating came in at 746)

Monroe? Love the course.  One round event? Love one round events.  Good cards? Loved the cards.  So all around, great day, had a ton of fun!

TD's of the world -- more one round events, please!
