The Disc Golf Streak, Day 741 (Disc Golf is a means to an end)

Day 741.

Something a little different today.  Just a reminder to myself and others that disc golf is a means to an end, not an end.

For me, disc golf is a way to spend time with my son and also to make friends and have a good time.  Some people use it to get outside, some use it for exercise, some use it as therapy for depression or addiction or other problems. 

Unless you're Wysocki or McBeth (or any other top pro) I think it bears remembering that it's a game and we're mostly playing for other reasons.

This picture is a perfect reminder of it for me.  We're picking raspberries in between holes at home and yes we're using our discs as plates and eating them off of there.  Really this has nothing to do with disc golf, but if it weren't for the sport we wouldn't be outside, we wouldn't have something in our hands that allows us to pick and enjoy that moment together.

My best moments playing disc golf are things like this -- sitting on a bench resting and sharing a drink of water or watching the hawks glide overhead at Harbin or sitting around talking with friends before or after a round.

Disc golf enables these things -- it is a means to that end -- but it is not the end.
