The Disc Golf Streak, Day 710 (Fri evening round at Mt. Airy)

Day 710.

We decided to go to the Nati and play a Friday evening dubs round at Airy.  We really enjoy dubs on Friday nights as a good way to end my work week and kick off the weekend.  And it's a good way for us to continually measure our progress.

Before tonight our dubs best at Airy was 60.  After tonight it is . . .

. . . 59.  Played 18, skipped the A/B holes.  I think par is 58 on the current layout.

A fun round, he hit a bunch of 20-30' putts for us, kept us in the fairway at all times and was throwing approach darts at the basket with my old ESP Zone that he is bagging now.  Great disc in his hands.  My highlight was getting our "2" on #12 with a 90' forehand throw-in (same shot on #14 chained out).

This is such a great age.  It is so funny how much he still wants to copy me and be like me.  Overlapping discs in his bag and mine:  Judge, Zone, Comet, Leopard/Leopard3, Teebird/TL, Beast, Firebird. I'm half tempted to bag a Groove and see how long it would take him to put one in his bag . . .

Diary record: bought a 159g purple/pink swirl TL tonight and a 141g yellow Blizzard Beast and he used both during our round tonight.  Me: "Do you really need another Blizzard Beast?" Him: "Yes, I need a backup." Me: "Don't you already have two Beasts?" Him: "Yes, but I need a backup to my backup. How many backups do you have?" Me: "You need backups to backups? How many discs have you lost in your life?" Him: Holds up fingers to make a zero.  The exchange made me chuckle . . . and I bought the discs because they are cheaper than piano lessons and way better for him than video games.  😄
