The Disc Golf Streak, Day 704 (casual round at Johnson Hills with Eric)

Day 704 of the streak.

He used to be my buddy Eric, but evidently now he is *our* buddy Eric.

So our buddy Eric is off the disabled list (pinch nerve) and able to throw again.  He hadn't thrown a disc in six months . . . and as I told him "it doesn't look like you lost anything on your game." LOL

We got up super early.  (Note to self: when your ex-military friends ask you what time you want to go out, don't get funny and reply that anytime after 4am is fine with you.)  So, we left at 7am to go to Johnson Hills.  Yes, 7am.  Yes, *that* 7am, the one in the morning . . . hmm, yeah, thank you for your service, Eric.  I guess we can at least be glad he didn't have us going at zero dark thirty.

So, we're out there bumping around in the dark on Hole 1's teepad . . . okay, no, I'm kidding, the sun was up and it was cool and beautiful.  Actually a great time of day to play in August.  We ended up playing a round of triples and then a round of Eric & Danny dubs against me playing singles.  (Johnson Hills is a 9-hole course.)

Triples was fun and went well and Eric honestly was throwing quite well for a guy who hadn't touched a disc in 6 months.  Triples was casual and I have no idea what our score was, probably par.

Dubs v Dan . . . no such casualness, this was a competitive war and when the teargas cleared and the trumpets sounded I had thrown a +1 (28) and they threw a +2 (29).  There's a little video of Danny and Eric throwing on Hole 5 and sorry Eric but I left you in the video to show this really isn't as easy as Danny sometimes makes it look (drop-in drive, albeit with some lucky tree avoidance).

Highlight of the day for me was throwing my second round drive pin high.  Hole 1 is 375'.  (No, I checked the tee sign and checked my keyboard and neither of those are typos.)  Many thanks to Dave Gibbs for letting me test throw his lightweight Shryke a couple weeks ago . . . sometimes the disc does make the difference -- I can throw my new Shryke 50' farther than anything else.  Great disc.

Anyway, great time, glad to have our buddy Eric back off the DL and we are looking forward to more casual rounds with him.
