The Disc Golf Streak, Day 702 (Blakely's league @ Gulley)

Day 702.  Just a quick diary entry.

We played Blakely's league again tonight at Gulley.

Last week Danny threw a 77 and I threw a 54 . . . Danny's still trying to throw a 700 rated round this year.

We played with Carson Hampton, Andrew Phelps and Caleb Smith.  I just threw a casual non-rated round along with those guys because I was mostly caddying for Danny (we combined bags so I took some of mine out and carried his discs too).  It was a comfortable evening out and Danny ended up knocking off six strokes from last week and threw a 71.  I threw a 53 (1-under).

His 71 ended up rated 648, so not close to the 700 goal.  However, Gulley is a really tough course for ratings . . . a bit unfortunate since he threw really well and was putting above average.  I was pretty happy for him because it's the second time playing singles in an event on a "longer" course (i.e. not Winton or Reserves or an easy course) that he broke 72 and averaged fewer than 4 throws per hole.

Oh well, as Emerson said "The reward of a thing well done is having done it."  Ratings aside, he couldn't have thrown or putted much better and he did manage to beat three other people so he was pleased.
