The Disc Golf Streak, Day 2259 (Johnson Hills, casual dubs)

Day 2259

So we've pretty much decided that Johnson Hills is our favorite local course (other than Turkey Ridge, of course).  JH got new pin placements on the front nine and we played them for the first time a few weeks ago and really enjoyed how they changed the course -- improved the golf mostly through increased difficulty in approaching the basket.

So we've been throwing most of our non-yard casual rounds out there now.  I wouldn't bother arguing about whether it's the "best" course . . . just our favorite.  It's the closest thing to Charlotte disc golf in Cincinnati (especially the back nine) and it's laid out so that just walking through the course would be a nice hike.  Plenty of variety of shots, makes you golf rather than just throw and really makes you hit your lines.

In the past couple singles rounds we've thrown I managed a 58 and 56.  Today we decided to do doubles (the first time in a long time, we usually throw singles) and we managed a 52 together.  Nothing worse than a 3 out there.  Highlight of the day without a doubt was Danny lacing his drive on Hole 4 (long pin) to within 25' and then nailing the putt.  I was spotting his drive so I got to watch that beautiful throw and I didn't even bother with a drive since it was the best drive I've seen anyone throw on that hole.  It was so perfect.  Secondary highlight was both of us throwing great drives on Hole 7.  He finally made it to the top of the hill centered up in the gap and I made it up another 50'+ farther for my best drive ever on the hole.

Perfect weather for November . . . although there were so many leaves on the ground.  We threw our drives on 16 . . . I walked up, put my bag down where I thought my disc was (middle of fairway) and then proceeded to spend five minutes looking for the disc.  Eventually found it 3' away from where I set my bag down!

