The Disc Golf Streak, Day 1505 (Disctractions @ Hueston Woods)

Day 1505

We decided to head up to Hueston Woods today to throw Disctractions DGC.  It's been closed for about a year due to downed trees but has recently been cleaned up and new tee signs and signage have been added. It's a 27 hole course and it is 100% technical wooded holes.

The day was nice -- about 65 and sunny and very comfortable.  Some breezes, we didn't feel too much in the woods.

The first nine holes play near Acton Lake and have some lake visible through the trees (but nothing in play).  We really enjoyed the first nine holes and I was ready to declare this course one of our favorites.  After the first nine you cross the road to 18 (!) more holes.  They were all technical, most were quite short and many of them were short and had no lines to the basket.  Which is fine, we are used to playing golf and having to play for position, but there were a lot of holes with 90 turns or 45-60 degree turns and no real way to do anything other than throw two short shots and drop in for a 3.  We played a mix of tees -- we intended to just play the shorts but after a while we got tired of short holes with no real path to the basket and we started evaluating the tees before we threw so we ended up throwing a lot from the longs just because we wanted to throw some real shots rather than short layups shots off the tee.

We played dubs and threw well enough together for the first time through the course, shooting a 67 (14-under).  No bogeys.

It's a decent course, the front nine was really enjoyable and the back 18 wasn't bad.  Maybe it would be better if you had a favorite set of tees and knew the course better.  First time through though it's not fair of me to judge/rate the course without understanding the layout better.

The woods were fantastic and we both enjoyed the hike through them immensely.   It was beautiful fall day to spend throwing.

First tee --

Welcome sign --

Bridge with Acton Lake behind --

This is what most of the course looked like --
