The Disc Golf Streak, Day 859 (Crossover PDGA League @ Osage)

Day 859.  "Not enough mud yesterday?"

Today was the first week of the Crossover PDGA league being run by Josh Terwilleger at Osage on Sunday mornings.  With nice weather for the beginning of January (45 and sunny) there was a great turnout of 42 players, including three juniors!

The layout was short tees to short pins and we played with Ryan Dalton and Sean Tieman.  We had a great time throwing with them and we both had pretty good rounds for us.  Danny ended up with a 62 (+8, 10 pars and 8 "bogeys" -- 740 initial estimate) and I managed a 46 (-8, no bogeys) for my best rated round so far (958 initial estimate).

Josh was nice and gave each of the boys a disc from his Crossover stash so Danny picked out a soft Banger GT . . . which he threw around the yard when we got home and promptly put into his bag.  I also found a $5 used champ Valkyrie in his bins which will serve as a good backup to my "stable" Valk.

Pics of Danny testing out two Bangers while I clean mud off of our bags.  And him throwing an Emac Truth, a Teebird3 and a TL trying to decide what belongs in the bag.  Choices, choices . . .

After Airy on Sat and Osage on Sunday, I feel like this picture sums up the weekend.  Our muddy shoes . . .

Notes to myself: This was such a great weekend.  The girls had a friend sleepover, so Danny & I went out on Fri night and saw Creed 2 in the theater (we've seen 7 of the 8 Rocky movies together).  And that was a great film choice because it was a "father-son" movie.  Sat we played Airy dubs together and played some basketball at home and then had a firepit on Sat night.  Then today we threw singles at Osage together and played basketball again.  It may not have been the most "exciting" weekend ever, but it was one of the best. 😎
